COVID-19 Information
Please continue to refer to this page for the latest pandemic information. As new information arises and protocols change, there are likely to be frequent updates.
To keep everyone safe, we ask that any skater or parent exhibiting potential COVID-19 symptoms stay at home. If you are unsure of the symptoms, please use the linked self assessement tool. The club will refund you for any sessions missed due to self isolation.
Page last updated: March 21, 2022
Club COVID-19 Protocols and Policies
Please read the following document regarding the club's response to managing COVID-19. This has last been updated January 28, 2022. This also contains information on what our programs will look like when we return to the ice. This document was derived from Skate Ontario and Norfolk County Return to Play Protocols.
COVID-19 Refund Policy
Missed Skating due to COVID Like Symptoms or COVID Diagnosis Policy
Any skater, parent, guardian, coach, board member, or program assistant exhibiting potential COVID-19 symptoms is asked to stay at home. If you are unsure of the symptoms, please use the linked self assessment tool on the WTSC website. This policy is designed to minimize the chance of virus transmission. The club will refund the cost of any sessions missed due to self isolation following email application at within 48 hours of the missed session only.
Refunds will be given in the following situations:
A skater tests positive for COVID 19
A skater is required to isolate for COVID like symptoms or exposure to COVID like symptoms.
Norfolk County, the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit or other governing body mandates the closure of facilities and/or termination of club activities.
Refunds will not be given if parents are not allowed to enter the arena with their child during skating classes due to changes in COVID restrictions.
Skate Canada fees and Skate Ontario fundraising tickets are non-refundable.
If you are unsure if you skater should attend lessons, please refer to the COVID Club Protocols and Policies.